Keywords: Gorskii 03986u.jpg Wallpainting of a pillar in the Church of St John Chrysostom In the bottom tier in the forefront - the icon The Mother of God of the Tolga with the marginal scenes The centerpiece has not survived The frame is in the collection of Yaroslavl Art Museum-Preserve Yaroslavl 1911 Роспись столпа в це� кви Иоанна Златоуста В нижнем я� усе на пе� еднем плане - икона Богомате� ь Толгская с клеймами С� едник не сох� анился Рама находится в соб� ании Я� ославского госуда� ственного музея-заповедника Я� ославль 1911 г Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Collection Library of Congress LOC-image ppmsc 03986 1911 Creator Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky digital rendering for the Library of Congress by Walter Frankhauser / WalterStudio There are no known restrictions on the use of this image PD-Russia PD-1923 Photo of Ensemble of churches in Korovniki by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Frescos in Yaroslavl Icons in Yaroslavl Museum-Preserve Mary2 Riza of Marian icons in Russia Tolgskaya of Yaroslavl |