Keywords: Gotthard-IR in der Biaschina.jpg en This interregio train pulled by an SBB-CFF-FFS Re 420 has just left the Biaschina loops In the background visible is the Gotthard freeway bridge at the top the old Gotthard main road turn near the houses and two more levels of the Gotthard railway line de Interregio gezogen von einer SBB Re 420 in der Biaschina Im Hintergrund ersichtlich die Gotthard-Autobahn Brücke oben die Gotthardstrasse Kehre bei den Häusern und die beiden weiteren Ebenen der Gotthardbahn own http //www bahnbilder ch/picture/6995 Kabelleger / David Gubler http //www bahnbilder ch 2009-02-13 ImageNote 1 1507 321 1235 739 4352 2686 2 Gotthard-Autobahn A2 ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 2600 1354 386 147 4352 2686 2 To Pianotondotunnel spiral tunnel towards Airolo ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 3862 848 403 141 4352 2686 2 To Pianotondotunnel spiral tunnel towards Bellinzona ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 3362 1501 517 201 4352 2686 2 Hairpin turn of the old Gotthard highway ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 3775 1251 403 158 4352 2686 2 To Travitunnel spiral tunnel towards Bellinzona ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 3438 1947 201 169 4352 2686 2 To Travitunnel spiral tunnel towards Airolo ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 2769 962 201 158 4352 2686 2 Line continues towards Airolo ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 2981 897 669 321 4352 2686 2 Piantondobrücke ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 98 2594 718 87 4352 2686 2 Line continues towards Bellinzona ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 1186 1522 1240 870 4352 2686 2 SBB Re 4/4 No 11299 ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 2361 1702 914 544 4352 2686 2 RIC Bpm 51 coaches ImageNoteEnd 11 ImageNote 12 1996 1724 65 370 4352 2686 2 Retrofitted air conditioning ImageNoteEnd 12 ImageNote 13 5 2110 1186 397 4352 2686 2 Walls to protect against grass and bush fires caused by sparks from the glowing hot brakes of freight trains not an issue any more since nowadays freight trains use electric brakes and drive at lower speeds because the modern plastic brake blocks are more temperature sensitive ImageNoteEnd 13 QualityImage Bahnbilder ch SBB Re 420 Gotthardbahn SBB UIC-Z2 coaches |