Keywords: Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna by G.C.Grooth (1745, Hermitage).jpg artwork Creator Georg Christoph Grooth 1745 Oil on canvas cm 105 85 Institution Hermitage Not on display ЭРЖ-2474 object history langSwitch Поступил в 1958 г Пе� едан из Павловского дво� ца-музея П� оисходит из Гатчинского дво� ца Entered the Hermitage in 1958; transferred from the Pavlovsk Palace Museum; formerly in the Gatchina Palace 1 probably http //www arthermitage org/Georg-Christoph-Grooth/Portrait-of-Grand-Duchess-Catherine-Alexeyevna html arthermitage org<br/>2 http //hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/337752/ lng de langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg other versions <gallery> Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna by G C Grooth 1745 Hermitage cropped jpg Low-res version Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna by G C Grooth 1745 Hermitage cropped png </gallery> PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Grooth Georg Christoph; Catharina Aleksejevna 1745; Hermitage Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna by G C Grooth 1745 Hermitage German paintings in the Hermitage ImageNote 2 793 923 200 220 1570 1920 2 Order of Saint Catherine О� ден Святой Екате� ины ImageNoteEnd 2 |