Keywords: Gribkov k.godunova.jpg Artwork Creator Sergei Gribkov 1876 Oil on canvas cm 98 80 http //gallery tver ru/ LangSwitch Tver Regional Art Gallery Тве� ская областная ка� тинная гале� ея Tver en Тве� ь ru Russia accession number object history Годунова Ксения Бо� исовна Ксения Бо� исовна Годунова ru 1582-1622 дочь � усского ца� я Бо� ис Годунов Бо� иса Фёдо� овича Годунова ru Borís Godunov Borís Fiódorovitx Godunov ca Xenia Borissowna Godunowa 1582-1622 die Tochter des russischen Zaren Boris Godunow Boris Fjodorowitsch Godunow de Tsarevna Xenia Borisovna of Russia Xenia Borisovna Godunova en 1582-1622 the daughter of Russian tsar Boris Godunov Boris Fyodorovich Godunov en Ksenia Godunova de Rusia Xenia Borisovna Godunova es 1582-1622 la hija del zar ruso Borís Godunov Borís Fiódorovich Godunov es Xènia Borisovna Godounova 1582-1622 la fille du tsar russe Boris Godounov Boris Fedorovitch Godounov fr Xenia Borisovna Godunova 1582-1622 la figlia di zar russo Boris Fëdorovič Godunov it Xenia Borisovna Godoenova 1582-1622 de dochter van de Russische tsaar Boris Godoenov Boris Fjodorovitsj Godoenov nl <br/> http //www runivers ru/gal/gallery-all php SECTION_ID 7590 ELEMENT_ID 452037 LangSwitch Summary information about this painting Сводная инфо� мация об этой ка� тине http //www artsait ru/foto php art g/gribkov/img/6 other versions PD-Art-old-100 Sergei Gribkov Art Gallery of Tver Ksenia Godunova 1605 in Russia 1876 genre paintings 1876 oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1876 paintings from Russia 19th-century genre paintings from Russia 19th-century oil paintings of girls at full length 19th-century oil paintings of sitting women at full length Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Paintings of mothers and daughters Paintings of Russian women in national dress Russian history paintings Tsarevitches and tsarevnas |