Keywords: Grigory Orlov by anonim 1770s.jpg � еизвестный художник По� т� ет князя Г Г О� лова � ач 1770-х Portrait of male Grigory w Orlov 1734 �1783 early otherdate s 1770 oil unknown http //history-life ru/post87649366/ other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1770s; Grigory Orlov 18th-century unidentified painters from Russia 18th-century portrait paintings location missing Grigoriy Orlov in portraits 1770s portrait paintings Male 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length Ermine clothing in art Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Portraits with paper sheets Powdered wigs in art Red clothing in art male Males with red coats in art Right hand on hip in portrait paintings Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings |