Keywords: Hasht Behesht, Detail of the dome by Pascal Coste.jpg fr Pavillon des Huit Paradis Hacht Behecht Détail de la coupole en Pavillon of Eight Paradise Hasht Behesht Detail of the dome Hasht Bihisht Detalle de la cúpula por Pascal Coste Hasht Behesht Palácio Oito Paraísos Isfahan Irã Desenho detalhado de parte da cúpula feito pelo arquiteto francês Pascal Coste em 1840 fa هشت �بهشت عمارت ، جزئیات گنبد Hascht-Behescht-Palasts in Isfahan Zeichnung von Details der Kuppel durch Pascal Coste 1840 Monuments modernes de la Perse mesurés dessinés et décrits éd Morel 1867 Creator Pascal Coste 120px 32 653285 51 671045 Assessments 1 picture of the day 2015 11 22 PD-old-auto 1879 Pascal Coste Uploaded with VicuñaUploader Hasht behesht palace Featured pictures of architecture Featured pictures of Iran |