Keywords: Hatfield House - Fairmount Park.jpg Hatfield House � Thirty-third Street Girard Avenue Philadelphia Pennsylvania VIEW OF HOUSE FROM NORTHEAST ON ORIGINAL SITE HUNTING PARK AVENUE Significance Fine example of a small 18th century residence remodeled and enlarged into a Greek Revival house Constructed ca 1760 enlarged and remodeled in 1838 moved into Fairmount Park in 1930 Photocopy of 1929 Historic American Buildings Survey of Pennsylvania photo taken by Erling H Pedersen Library of Congress Prints Photographs Online Catalog http //loc gov/pictures/item/pa0811/ HABS PA 51-PHILA 233-14; HABS �Historic American Buildings Survey 1929 Erling H Pedersen PA 51-PHILA 233-14 PD-USGov 1929 in Pennsylvania Historic American Buildings Survey of Pennsylvania Black and white photographs of Pennsylvania Hatfield House Philadelphia |