Keywords: Hero of Syria citation.jpg ar وصف مجموعات الجدارة البطل الجمهورية العربية السورية ---- en Hero of Syria citation issued to a Soviet militaryman who fought Isaelis Americans and joint NATO force of British French and Italian military components in the Middle East and thus has been considered to be an eligible candidate to receive the supreme Syrian award ---- ru � аг� адной лист на советского военнослужащего участника боевых действий на Ближнем Востоке � Ге� оя Си� ийской А� абской Республики http //ak-group ru/forum/attachment php attachmentid 30911 d 1268487029 Hero of Sirya citation 22px en President of Syria President of the Syrian Arab Republic President of the Syrian Arab Republic circa 1970 1980 s PD-Syria Orders decorations and medals of Syria Arab-Israeli conflict Documents of Syria Soviet experts in Arabic Armies |