Keywords: Сверчков - портрет Николая I.jpg Све� чков Владими� Дмит� иевич 1820-1888 по� т� ет импе� ато� а � иколая I 1856 Холст масло Vladimir Sverchkov 1820-1888 Portrait of the Emperor Nicholas I 1856 canvas oil � узей Гва� дии; Санкт-Пете� бу� г 1856 Владими� Све� чков; photo by George Shuklin <span class signature-talk >talk</span> <gallery> File Au service des Tsars - Nicolas 1er - 01 jpg detail </gallery> PD-old Guard museum Saint Petersburg Portrait paintings in 19th-century military uniforms of Russia Nicholas I Kruger/Vernet type 2 1850s portraits of Russia male Vladimir Sverchkov Life Guard Horse Regiment 19th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage Romanovs Nicholas I |