Keywords: Icon of Madonna with prayer (Dormition Church at Kondopoga).jpg Икона Бого� одицы де� жащей в � уках свиток со словами молитвы Владыко много милостиве господи Иисусе Х� исте Боже наш услыши молитву мате� е своея Це� ковь Успения Божией � ате� и 1774 г в Кондопоге Madonna with prayer with words Our Jesus Christ hear the prayer of your mother Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos 1774 at Kondopoga Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos 1774 at Kondopoga 17-18 century 17-18 century icon painter PD-old-100 Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos Kondopoga Depictions of the Virgin Mary |