Keywords: Icon Peter's denial FULL.jpeg Целование Иуды Х� истос пе� ед Каиафой и Анной От� ечение апостола Пет� а П� иведение Х� иста на судилище к Пилату Конец XV - начало XVI в Четы� ехчастная икона � овго� од http //www cirota ru/forum/view php subj 79090 order asc pg 0 Конец XV - начало XVI в Creator Anonymous Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-Art Second Denial of Saint Peter Icons of Saint Peter Paintings of the capture of Jesus Christ Paintings of Christ before Pilate 15th-century icons in the Tretyakov Gallery Icons of the passion of Jesus Christ Icons of the flagellation of Jesus Christ Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources 16th-century icons in the Tretyakov Gallery |