Keywords: Николай II и императрица Александра Федоровна. 1896 г.jpg ru Импе� ато� � иколай II и импе� ат� ица Александ� а Федо� овна en Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna http //www liveinternet ru/users/abissinka/post253058348/ http //img-fotki yandex ru/get/6619/127863950 f1/0_a5451_2e1452f8_orig jpg direct link http //www magnoliabox com/art/540241/Tsar_Nicholas_II_of_Russia_and_Princess_Alix_of_Hesse http //imageweb-cdn magnoliasoft net/stapleton/supersize/1632522 jpg direct link Creator Eduard Uhlenhuth photographer 1896 <gallery>File Emperor and Empress of Russia 1896 Uhlenhuth png</gallery> PD-old Nicholas II with family in photographs Alexandra Fyodorovna with family in photographs Eduard Uhlenhuth photographer Sable clothing |