Keywords: Император Александр III с семьей в Собственном садике Большого Гатчинского дворца.jpg Александ� III с семьей в Собственном садике Большого Гатчинского дво� ца en l-r Emperor Alexander III Tsarevitch Nicholas Grand Duke Michael and dog Empress Marie Feodorovna Grand Duke George and Grand Duchess Xenia Taken outside the Imperial palace at Gatchina ca 1887 2926869 ; http //www royalcollection org uk/collection/2926869/group-photograph-at-gatchina functioning link http //gatchinapalace ru/special/restoration_activity/a_project_to_repair_the_porch_in_your_own_garden php author Copyright claims User Art-top/Upload PD-RusEmpire Alexander III of Russia with family in photographs Maria Fyodorovna Dagmar of Denmark with family in photographs Nicholas II of Russia as a child George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia in photographs 1887 Michael Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs 1887 Historical photos of Gatchina Northern facade of the Gatchina Palace |