Keywords: IMARO-flag.png Знаме на В� ОРО of the historical symbols of IMRO including the red-black flag The statute of Bulgarian Party VMRO-BND 2008 in Bulgarian Art 3 Par 1 Знаме с п� авоъгълна фо� ма � азделено на две � авни части като го� ната част е в че� вен цвят а долната - в че� ен и със златен надпис в с� едата В� РО-Б� Д Rough translation Banner with rectangle form and divided in two equal parts The upper part is in red and the lower part is in black colour http //www vmro org/modules php name Ustav The statute of Macedonian Party VMRO-DPMNE 2008 In Macedonian Article 5 Par 3 Па� тиското знаме е со димензии со однос 2 1 по должина поделено на ц� вено-ц� ни полиња чиј сооднос е еден сп� ема еден а во го� ниот лев агол на ц� вена основа е поставен па� тискиот г� б Rough translation The Party flag has a ratio of 1 2 divided along the length in red-black halves in ratio one to each other as one to one and in the upper left corner on the red field is set the Party coat of arms http //www vmro-dpmne org mk/mk/zapis asp id 2669 During 1920s because in an article from the Macedonian journalist Spase Shuplinovski in the Macedonian mainstream daily newspaper Utrinski vesnik - issue 1166 October 16 2006 http //217 16 70 245/ pbroj 1166 pr 9 stID 7460 is described that the flag of the Macedonian party VMRO - DPMNE was adopted from Todor Alexandrov and Ivan Mihaylov's IMRO which was established in 1920 and was banned in 1934 Also in official speech in Macedonian Parliament in June 2008 on the occasion of the enacting a Law about the usage of the flags in Republic of Macedonia the deputy Yani Macraduli maintained the red - black flag of IMRO dates from the time of Todor Alexandrov i e - 1920s Иако да бидеме иск� ени на манифестациите каде што се појавуваат па� тиите со п� едзнак В� РО има едни со 16-то к� акото сонце едни со лав едни со ц� вено-ц� ното знаме на Александ� ов и т н If we are honest on the manifestations of the parties with abbreviation IMRO it has been carried the red-black flag of Todor Alexandrov http //www sdsm org mk/ ItemID B8E6F28BD09F7E42B1F76B6BA3D84245 Author Public domain IMARO Political flags Flag_IMARO svg anonymous-EU |