Keywords: Правительство Самарской области.jpg ru Здание П� авительства Сама� ской области - в СССР бывшее здание Куйбышевского областного исполнительного комитета Совета на� одных депутатов Куйбышевского облисполкома Сама� а ул � олодогва� дейская 210 en The building of the Government of the Samara region in the former Soviet Union former Kuibyshev regional Executive Committee of the Council of people's deputies Samara Molodogvardeyskaya street 210 2014-09-05 17 37 43 own Dgeise ru wikipedia Dgeise cc-by-sa-4 0 Uploaded with UploadWizard Buildings in Samara Government buildings in Samara Oblast Buildings and structures built in Russian SFSR Government buildings built in the Soviet Union September 2014 in Russia |