MAKE A MEME View Large Image Портрет А.И. Ушакова.jpg Andrey Ushakov ru  еизвестный художник 1740-1744 гг По т ет Анд ея Ивановича Ушакова 1672-1747 - гене ал-аншеф с 1730 г - сенато ...
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Keywords: Портрет А.И. Ушакова.jpg Andrey Ushakov ru � еизвестный художник 1740-1744 гг По� т� ет Анд� ея Ивановича Ушакова 1672-1747 - гене� ал-аншеф с 1730 г - сенато� с 1731 г - начальник канцеля� ии тайных � озыскных дел 1740-1744 oil institution Hermitage скани� ованная копия из каталога<ref>http //www nkbooksellers com/books/ rid 649620 lang cyr � В Ломоносов и елизаветинское в� емя Каталог выставки / Авт -сост � Ю Гусева Санкт-Пете� бу� г Изд-во Гос Э� митажа ст� -596; 2011 г ISBN 978-5-93572-417-7</ref> PD-RusEmpire other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1740-1744; Andrey Ushakov 18th-century unidentified painters from Russia 18th-century portraits of Russia in the Hermitage 18th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage Andrey Ivanovich Ushakov 1740s paintings in Russia 1740s portrait paintings Male 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century men of Russia 18th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length in ceremonial robes Allonge wigs in paintings Ceremonial robes of the Order of St Andrew Left hand on hip in portrait paintings Uploaded with UploadWizard 18th-century paintings in the Hermitage
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