Keywords: Бялыницкий-Бируля Ранняя весна. 1912.jpg ru Ранняя весна Год создания 1912 � ате� иал Холст масло Соб� ание � ациональный художественный музей Республики Бела� усь 1912 http //www artpoisk info/artist/byalynickiy-birulya_vitol_d_kaetanovich_1872/gallery/page/2 Creator Vitold Białynicki-Birula watermark Custom license marker 2013 03 29 PD-RusEmpire Paintings by Vitold Białynicki-Birula in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus 20th-century landscape paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus 20th-century landscape paintings Uploaded with UploadWizard 1912 paintings in Belarus |