Keywords: Хмурны дзень.jpg PD-RusEmpire be Хму� ны дзень Бялыніцкі-Бі� уля Вітольд 1892 г Палатно алей 45 5×69 5 см � ацыянальны мастацкі музей Рэспублікі Бела� усь 1892 http //artbelarus by/be/gallery/44 html Creator Vitold Białynicki-Birula Custom license marker 2014 03 31 PD-old-70 Uploaded with UploadWizard 1892 paintings in Belarus Paintings by Vitold Białynicki-Birula in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus 19th-century landscape paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus Ten Centuries of Art in Belarus |