Keywords: ВОСКРЕШЕНИЕ ЛАЗАРЯ ТРОИЦА СРЕТЕНИЕ СВЯТЫЕ ИОАНН БОГОСЛОВ И ПРОХОР (ДРЖ-2775).jpg ВОСКРЕШЕ� ИЕ ЛАЗАРЯ ТРОИЦА СРЕТЕ� ИЕ СВЯТЫЕ ИОА� � БОГОСЛОВ И ПРОХОР Пе� вая половина � се� едина XV в � овго� од Из Гео� гиевской це� кви в � овго� оде ДРЖ-2775 Russian Museum THE RAISING OF LAZARUS THE HOLY TRINITY THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST AND ST PROCHORUS First half � mid-15th Century Novgorod From the Church of St George Novgorod Russian Museum се� едина XV unknown photo by George Shuklin PD-old ImageNote 1 564 91 523 637 1135 1514 2 Holy Trinity icon ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 58 88 501 637 1135 1514 2 Resurrection of Lazarus ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 584 748 498 693 1135 1514 2 Saint John the Evangelist with Prochorus ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 63 736 498 693 1135 1514 2 Candlemas ImageNoteEnd 4 Icons of Russia Art of the Russian Orthodox Church Multiple-images marian icons Icons of saints - P Old Testament Trinity Icons of Resurrection of Lazarus Icons of the presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple 15th-century icons in the Russian museum Icons of Saint John the Evangelist and Prochorus |