Keywords: В деревне. Девушка с ведрами.jpg В де� евне Девушка с вед� ами 1898 Холст масло � ациональный художественный музей Республики Бела� усь � инск У вёсцы Дзяўчына з вёд� амі 1898 Палатно алей � ацыянальны мастацкі музей Рэспублікі Бела� усь � інск own photo 1898 Creator Andrei Ryabushkin Reproduction of a painting that is in the public domain because of its age PD-old-100 Art works uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side 1898 paintings from Russia Merchants and peasants by Andrei Ryabushkin 19th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus Carrying yokes in Russia Village paintings Paintings of Russian peasants Files uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 19th century Russian girls by Andrei Ryabushkin |