Keywords: Проезд Марфы Посадницы и вечного колокола.jpg П� оезд � а� фы Посадницы и вечного колокола 1885-1886 � иколаевский художественный музей им В В Ве� ещагина � иколаев upload from http //www art-catalog ru/picture php id_picture 11720 1885-1886 Creator Andrei Ryabushkin Reproduction of a painting that is in the public domain because of its age PD-old-100 Marfa Boretskaya Art works uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side Paintings not categorised by year History paintings of Andrei Ryabushkin Paintings in the V V Vereshchagin Mykolaiv Art Museum Files uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 19th century |