Keywords: Уваскрэсенне - Сашэсце ў пекла. Сярэдзіна - другая палова 17 ст.jpg Уваск� эсенне - Сашэсце ў пекла Ся� эдзіна - д� угая палова 17 ст Дошка яечная тэмпе� а 127х93х2 5-5 З Ахвы Б� эсцкай вобл � ацыянальны мастацкі музей http //pawet net/collections/icons/17/17_ D1 81 D1 82 D0 B0 D0 B3 D0 BE D0 B4 D0 B4 D0 B7 D0 B5 html 1650-1700 not specified PD-old-100 17th-century icons of Belarus Art works uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources Files uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 17th century Icons of the harrowing of hell Paintings of the harrowing of Hell in Belarus 17th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus |