Keywords: Николай Александрович Ярошенко - Девушка-крестьянка.jpg Девушка-к� естьянка A peasant girl Ein Bauernmädchen 1891 oil canvas cm Art Museum of Nizhny Novgorod http //yaroshenko art-painters info/pic php art 2 a_id 94 w_id 941077 yaroshenko art-painters info object history credit line accession number http //www liveinternet ru/journalshowcomments php jpostid 159642631 journalid 3781537 go prev categ 0 liveinternet ru PD-Art-100 Genre paintings by Nikolai Yaroshenko Art Museum of Nizhny Novgorod Portrait paintings of girls 1891 paintings from Russia Paintings of Russian women in national dress |