Keywords: Валентин Александрович Серов - Портрет Г.Л.Гиршман.jpg Artwork Creator Walentin Alexandrowitsch Serow oil canvas cm 140 140 Tretyakov Gallery object history credit line accession number http //www tretyakovgallery ru/ru/collection/_show/image/_id/319 Т� етьяковская гале� ея - online PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Serov Portrait of Henriette Girshman Female portraits by Valentin Serov Girshman Portraits by Valentin Serov in the Tretyakov Gallery 20th-century oil portraits of women at three-quarter length 1907 paintings from Russia Dressing tables Ermine clothing in art Paintings by Valentin Serov with fur Fur scarves in art Girshman family Fur fashion in 1907 |