Keywords: Николай Никанорович Дубовской - Набегающей волны.jpg Artwork Creator Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy en Breaking Wave 1900 oil canvas cm 66 5 89 object history LangSwitch Provenance Acquired by the father of the present owner Private collection Austria П� иоб� етенные отцом нынешнего владельца Частная коллекция Авст� ия credit line LangSwitch signed and dated подписанная и дати� ованная 1900 accession number http //www arcadja com/auctions/en/dubovskoij_nikolaj_nikanorovich/artist/65143/ MacDougall's London via ARCADJA auction results PD-old-auto-1923 1918 DEFAULTSORT Dubovskoy Nikolay Dubovskoy Oil paintings of seascapes Waves in art 1900 paintings from Russia |