Keywords: Иван Федорович Шульце - Разрушенный храм Ком Омбо, Египет.jpg Artwork LangSwitch Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé Ivan Fedorovitsch Schulze Иван Федо� ович Шульце 1874-1937 en The ruined temple of Kom Ombo Egypt oil canvas cm 73 92 object history credit line LangSwitch Unten links signiert Signed lower left Подпись слева внизу Iw F Choultsé accession number http //www sothebys com/de/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/russianpaintings/lot 114 lotnum html Sotheby's PD-old-auto-1923 1932 Ivan Fedorovich Choultse Historical images of Kom Ombo Temple Paintings of ruins Landscape paintings Images from Sotheby's |