Keywords: Портрет Татьяны Петровны Рознатовской (1755 – 18..).jpg Artwork ru Левицкий Дмит� ий Г� иго� ьевич По� т� ет Татьяны Пет� овны Рознатовской 1755 � 18 у� ожденная Резвая жены коллежского советника Е В Рознатовского 1781 1781 painting Institution Belarusian National Arts Museum https //fbcdn-sphotos-e-a akamaihd net/hphotos-ak-ash3/46600_626575974023610_599827824_n jpg other versions PD-old-100 Custom license marker 2013 04 25 Female portraits by Dmitry Levitzky 18th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus 1781 portrait paintings F 18th-century oil portraits of women at bust length 1781 Uploaded with UploadWizard |