Keywords: Аполлон и Артемида, убивающие детей Ниобы.jpg Artwork ru � еизвестный художник XVII века Италия Аполлон и А� темида убивающие детей � иобы century 17 oil Institution Belarusian National Arts Museum https //fbcdn-sphotos-f-a akamaihd net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540691_637681156246425_512541648_n jpg other versions PD-old-100 Custom license marker 2013 04 26 17th-century unidentified painters 17th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus Paintings of Apollo and Diana killing the children of Niobe 17th-century paintings not categorised by year Diana after antiquity 17th-century mythological paintings Mythological figures in nature Mythological figures on clouds Paintings of Greek mythology Paintings of people in nature Uploaded with UploadWizard |