MAKE A MEME View Large Image Алексе́й А. Харла́мов - Портрет детей Павла Павловича Демидова (1883).jpg Artwork Creator Alexei Harlamov langSwitch Avrora 1873-1904 Anatoli 1874-1943 Maria 1876-1955 and Pavel 1879-1909 ...
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Keywords: Алексе́й А. Харла́мов - Портрет детей Павла Павловича Демидова (1883).jpg Artwork Creator Alexei Harlamov langSwitch Avrora 1873-1904 Anatoli 1874-1943 Maria 1876-1955 and Pavel 1879-1909 Ав� о� а 1873-1904 Анатолий 1874-1943 � а� ия 1876-1955 и Павел 1879-1909 1883 oil canvas cm 76 5 90 accession number object history Prince Paul Pavlovich Demidoff 2nd Prince of San Donato 1839-1885 By descent to Prince Paul of Yugoslavia 1893-1976 <br/>Acquired from the family of the above between 1976 and 1980 <br/>Gift from the above to the present owner circa 2000 credit line exhibition history St Petersburg 12th Wanderers' Exhibition 26 February-25 March 1884 no 80 Harlamoff/Pratolino 1883 ~ lower left signature / date christies online 5321895 7906 26 London 2010 06 08 PD-old-auto-1923 1925 DEFAULTSORT Harlamoff Alexei; Portrait of the children of Paul Pavlovich Demidoff Alexei Harlamov House of Demidov Anatoliy Pavlovich Demidov Avrora Pavlovna Demidova Maria Pavlovna Abamelik-Lazareva Demidova 1880s portrait paintings Paintings of children Children in Russian portraits Family portraits of Russia
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