Keywords: Михаил Федорович Шульц.jpg ru � ихаилъ Фёдо� овичъ фонъ Шульцъ Вице-адми� ал � ихаил Федо� ович Шульц Алексей Емелин before 1914 PD-old 1862 births 1919 deaths 20th-century men of Russia Admirals of the Russian Empire Black and white portrait photographs of men at bust length Black and white portrait photographs of military people in uniform Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Men looking right Men with moustaches People associated with the Boxer Rebellion People with medals Recipients of the Order of Saint George IV Class Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Russian military personnel of the Battle of the Yellow Sea Russian military personnel of the Great War |