Keywords: Портрет неизвестного в черном сюртуке.jpg Portrait of male неизвестного в че� ном сю� туке the unknown in a black coat 1844 Size cm 66 0 51 0 Institution Russian Museum oil canvas http //cultobzor ru/2014/08/petr-zaharov-chechenets-gallery/07-1037/ Creator Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets PD-old-100-1923 place of creation russia the unknown in a black coat По� т� ет неизвестного в че� ном сю� туке ru other versions Paintings by Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets Portrait paintings by Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets Paintings by Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets in the Russian Museum |