Keywords: Inconnu d'après J.-M. Nattier, Madame Sophie de France en vestale (après 1748).jpg after Madame Sophie of France as a Vestal Virgin « Madame Sophie de France en vestale » Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine of France 1734 �1782 known as Madame Sophie daughter of Louis XV Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine de France 1734 �1782 dite Madame Sophie fille de Louis XV София-Филиппина-Елизавета-Жюстина Ф� анцузская 1734 �1782 известная как � адам София дочь Людовика XV after 1748 photo 2011-06-16 institution Versailles Dauphin �s second antechamber Seconde antichambre du Dauphin Вто� ая антикаме� а дофина 000PE007933 object history credit line Former Crown collection Ancienne collection de la Couronne Бывшая коллекция ко� оны Ф� анции Oil on canvas cm 142 99 own Starus 2011-06-16 photo accession number MV 4392 <gallery> File Jean-Marc Nattier Madame Sophie de France 1748 - 01 jpg <div align center >Madame Sophie of France by Jean-Marc Nattier 1748 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >«Madame Sophie de France» par Jean-Marc Nattier 1748 <br/><small>Versailles Musée national du Château et des Trianon</small></div><div align center >«� адам София Ф� анцузская» � аботы Жана-� а� ка � атье 1748 г <br/><small>Ве� саль � ациональный музей Ве� сальского дво� ца и Т� ианона</small></div> </gallery> 48 48 15 5 N 2 7 14 2 E Wikimedia takes the Château de Versailles PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1748>; Bourbon Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine de Images by Starus Versailles Works after J -M Nattier in the Musée national des chateaux de Versailles et de Trianon Sophie de France 1734-1782 Portraits as vestal 18th-century portrait paintings in the Musée national du Château de Versailles Seconde antichambre du Dauphin du Château de Versailles Inconnu_d'après_Nattier 18th-century portrait paintings from France not categorised by year 18th-century oil on canvas paintings in France 18th-century oil portraits of standing women at three-quarter length Altars in art Females with diamond jewellery in art Females wearing rouge in portraits Paintings with over-cropped borders Panniers clothing in portrait paintings Pilasters in portraits Powdered hair in art Rococo paintings in France Rococo portrait paintings of women Satin clothing in art Females with silver dresses in art Uploaded with UploadWizard Wikimedia takes the Château de Versailles June 16-17 2011 Inconnu_d'après_J -M _Nattier |