Keywords: Ipatyev house basement.jpg ru Подвал дома Ипатьева в Екате� инбу� ге где была � асст� еляна ца� ская семья ГА РФ en The basement of the Ipatiev house where the Romanov family was murdered the wall has been torn apart in search of bullets and other evidence by investigators following the shooting ru выставка «Гибель семьи импе� ато� а � иколая II Следствие длиной в век» Выставочный зал феде� альных а� хивов 2012 http //www rusarchives ru/evants/exhibitions/vzfar shtml http //www gettyimages ch/detail/nachrichtenfoto/the-room-where-tsar-nicholas-ii-his-family-and-nachrichtenfoto/463988087 Print Collector on Getty Images ca 1918 1919 anonymous PD-Russia-2008 Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Ipatiev �s Mansion State Archive of the Russian Federation Basements in Russia Media licensed by Getty Images |