Keywords: Ivan Khrutsky. Portrait of I. I. Glazunov. 1843. The Art Museum of Belarus, Minsk..JPG Ivan Khrutsky Portrait of I I Glazunov 1843 Oil on canvas The Art Museum of Belarus Minsk Belarus Изоб� ажен Илья Иванович Глазунов 1786 � 1849 один из п� едставителей к� упнейшей то� говой и издательской фи� мы Глазуновых в � оскве и Пете� бу� ге п� осуществовавшей с 1782 до 1917 г 1843 oil on canvas Institution Belarusian National Arts Museum object history exhibition history credit line accession number http //www abcgallery com/K/khrutsky/khrutsky12 html PD-old-auto-1923 1885 Portraits by Ivan Khrutsky Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources 1843 paintings in Belarus 19th-century portrait paintings of men in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus |