Keywords: J.L. Gerome - The Wailing Wall - Google Art Project.jpg 1824 1824 1904 1904 J L Male 718058 Gerome French 1824 - 1904 /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/artwork/the-wailing-wall-jl-gerome/711959/ LB85 0113 J L Gerome /artist/jean-leon-gerome-ferris/4131531/ 4131531 /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/ The Israel Museum Jerusalem 336006 http //www imj org il/ 1/23/2012 8 15 25 AM /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/artwork/the-wailing-wall-jl-gerome/711959/ 1880 1880 Oil on canvas True 711959 True 1880 3/24/2012 8 33 46 AM 141904 http //www imj org il/imagine/galleries/artE asp http //www english imjnet org il/htmls/page_1686 aspx c0 15162 bsp 14615 Israel Museum Jerusalem The Israel Museum Jerusalem Painting 1880 1890 1880 False 0 822265625 Photo © The Israel Museum Jerusalem Object the-wailing-wall-jl-gerome The Wailing Wall w Steinberg Shlomit 73x59 5 cm Oil on canvas special url_id qQHviZBabX55fQ PD-old-100-1923 1904 Google Art Project works by Jean-Léon Gérôme Orientalist paintings by Jean-Léon Gérôme Western Wall Historical images of the Western Wall 1880 paintings Fashion in The Israel Museum Jerusalem Images from The Israel Museum Jerusalem Paintings in the Israel Museum Jerusalem |