Keywords: Jacques d' Arthois Landscape-with-a-Herd.big.jpg artwork en Landscape with a Herd «Пейзаж с погонщиками скота на до� оге» 1630 - s 1640 oil canvas cm 115 146 Hermitage Museum http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang English indexClass PICTURE_EN Query_Exp WOA_GENRE+ 3D 3D+ 22Landscape 22 PID GJ-8678 numView 1 ID_NUM 40 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FXQISHH4BE7N4YKDT6 jpg embViewVer noEmb comeFrom simil check false sorting WOA_AUTHOR WOA_NAME thumbId 6 numResults 1125 author Arthois 2C 26 2332 3BJacques 26 2332 3Bd 26 2339 3B Eremitage Sankt Petersburg object history Source of entry before 1859 credit line accession number http //www arthermitage org/Jacques-d-Arthois/Landscape-with-a-Herd html arthermitage org PD-old-100 Jacques d'Arthois Flemish paintings in the Hermitage Pastoral 1630s landscape paintings |