MAKE A MEME View Large Image Jalisco - Feasting Scene - Walters 482768.jpg The Feasting Scene constitutes a unique sculptural ceramic of exceptional quality produced by the Jalisco ceramicists of ancient West Mexico Four female figures kneeling around a male figure ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Jalisco - Feasting Scene - Walters 482768.jpg The Feasting Scene constitutes a unique sculptural ceramic of exceptional quality produced by the Jalisco ceramicists of ancient West Mexico Four female figures kneeling around a male figure comprise the sculptural assemblage The figures are arranged on a circular bench supported by six cylindrical legs The central figure an imposing chief or cacique holds a tube or pestle in his left hand and an hacha or ceremonial axe in his upraised right hand One female figure directly facing the cacique holds a small shallow bowl in her right hand and a baton in her left hand Two of the female figures rest a hand on the cacique a gesture indicating relatedness A third figure to the cacique's right rests one hand on the chief's shoulder and the other on his elbow The assemblage has been painted with a red and cream clay slip; details on each of the figures are rendered in resist-paint Conventional to the Jalisco figural style are elongated faces full rounded legs and torsos erect posture and vacant staring eyes The figures represent elite persons of West Mexico society as indicated by their ornate crested helmets shoulder scarification body and facial tattoos and ear disks Their position on a raised bench mirrors the context of circular elevated platforms characteristic of Jalisco ceremonial architecture These platforms were also painted red and white Shaft-and-chamber tombs of high-ranking families have been found below the circular structures A sculptural ceramic such as this would have been placed in mausolea of this type This sculptural assemblage likely represents an elite family feasting ritual or commemorates an ancestral tradition Such rituals involved consumption of fermented beverages by a select few Sculptures depicting group rituals are extremely rare among the corpus of West Mexico ceramics The Feasting Scene therefore represents a remarkable exception to Jalisco visual art conventions 300 BC-AD 300 Protoclassic earthenware red-slipped resist painting appliqué cm 51 4 50 2 43 2 accession number 48 2768 6954 Karl Pope Taxco Mexico 1970 Dr and Mrs George Alderman Baltimore date and mode of acquisition unknown Walters Art Museum Gift of George and Julianne Alderman 2003 place of origin Jalisco Mexico Walters Art Museum license Pottery from ancient Jalisco in the Walters Art Museum Art of Mexico Media contributed by the Walters Art Museum needs category review Scarification in art Body piercing in art
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