Keywords: James Tooley, Jr. - Portrait of Andrew Jackson (1840) - Google Art Project.jpg en Portrait of Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 Энд� ю Джексона 1767-1845 к 25-летию победы аме� иканских войск по его � уководством над англичанами в Битве за � овый О� леан 1840 watercolor ivory Ivory cm 10 8 8 6 <br /> Case closed cm 16 5 14 3 Institution National Portrait Gallery Washington exhibition history credit line accession number http //npgportraits si edu/emuseumnpg/code/emuseum asp rawsearch AccessionNumber/ /is/ /NPG 66 43/ /false/ /false newprofile CAP newstyle single NPG 66 43 -QGR0hVSq8PzmQ PD-old-100 Paintings of Andrew Jackson Paintings in the National Portrait Gallery United States Jackson 1840 watercolor paintings 1840s paintings in the United States 19th-century watercolor portraits of men 19th-century watercolor paintings in the United States 19th-century portrait paintings of men at half length Paintings on ivory Portrait paintings of men with glasses People with bow ties Google Art Project works in National Portrait Gallery 19th-century portrait paintings in the National Portrait Gallery United States Copies 1840s portrait paintings 1840 paintings Google Art Project works by James Tooley Jr |