Keywords: Jan Weenix - Agneta Block and garden Flora Batava.jpg Artwork title Agnes Block 1629-1704 Sybrand de Flines 1623-1697 en twee kinderen op de buitenplaats Vijverhof 1684 - 1704 Agneta Block Emmerich 29-10-1629 � Amsterdam 20-4-1704 and her family at their summer home Vijverhof later called Flora Batavia with her cultivated pineapple Creator Jan Weenix 1694 oil canvas Amsterdam Museum Amsterdam www ahm nl http //www ahm nl Home http //ahm adlibsoft com/ahmonline/dispatcher aspx action search database ChoiceCollect search priref 38830 Info SA 20359 PD-old-100 Jan Weenix 1694 1694 paintings Vijverhof Nieuwersluis Agnes Block Statuettes in art Portraits with dogs People in gardens in art 17th-century family portraits 17th-century women looking at viewer in art Portrait paintings with books Paintings of fruit baskets 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in the Netherlands People with flowers in art Paintings in the Amsterdam Museum 17th-century men looking at viewer in art 1690s portrait paintings 1690s paintings in the Netherlands People with sculptures in art |