Keywords: Jean Lamour - Dessein des Grandes Grilles posées sur la Place royale de Nancy en 1755 par ordre de S. M. le Roy de... - Google Art Project.jpg 1698 1771 Jean 5492413 Lamour 1698 - 1771 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/dessein-des-grandes-grilles-posees-sur-la-place-royale-de-nancy-en-1755-par-ordre-de-s-m-le-roy-de-pologne-design-for-the-neptune-fountain-la-place-royale-de-nancy-in-1755-by-the-order-of-sm-the-king-of-poland-in-recueil-des-ouvrages-en-serrurerie-jean-lamour/4174785/ 26777 Jean Lamour /artist/jean-lamour/6805767/ 6805767 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/ Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 3644669 http //www cooperhewitt org/ 3/11/2012 5 38 49 PM /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/dessein-des-grandes-grilles-posees-sur-la-place-royale-de-nancy-en-1755-par-ordre-de-s-m-le-roy-de-pologne-design-for-the-neptune-fountain-la-place-royale-de-nancy-in-1755-by-the-order-of-sm-the-king-of-poland-in-recueil-des-ouvrages-en-serrurerie-jean-lamour/4174785/ 1763 1763 Engraving on heavy cream laid paper Jean Léon Decloux 4174785 False 1763 3/25/2012 4 57 32 AM 1921-6-210-3 http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/26777 Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council Print 1760 1770 1763 False 1 65695792880259 Object dessein-des-grandes-grilles-posees-sur-la-place-royale-de-nancy-en-1755-par-ordre-de-s-m-le-roy-de-pologne-design-for-the-neptune-fountain-la-place-royale-de-nancy-in-1755-by-the-order-of-sm-the-king-of-poland-in-recueil-des-ouvrages-en-serrurerie-jean-lamour Dessein des Grandes Grilles posées sur la Place royale de Nancy en 1755 par ordre de S M le Roy de Pologne Design for the Neptune Fountain La Place Royale de Nancy in 1755 by the order of S M The King of Poland in Recueil des Ouvrages en Serrurerie d Penelope Hunter-Stiebel Eighteenth-Century Nancy The Good King and the Blacksmith in Sarah Coffin et al Rococo The Continuing Curve 1730-2008 New York Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 2008 p 98 fig 12 47 x 61 4 x 1 4 cm 18 1/2 x 24 3/16 x 9/16 in New York - CHNDM Rococo The Continuing Curve 1730-2008 March 7 - July 6 2008 Engraving on heavy cream laid paper Heavy cream laid paper Jean Léon Decloux special url_id JgFJpUzMNenXXQ PD-old-100-1923 1771 Jean Lamour ferronnier RecueilSerrurerie Prints in the Cooper �Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum Lamour Google Art Project works by Jean Lamour Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum |