Keywords: Jean-Marc Nattier, Madame Sophie de France (1748) - 02.jpg Artwork Creator Jean-Marc Nattier Madame Sophie of France Madame Sophie de France Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine of France 1734 �1782 known as Madame Sophie daughter of Louis XV in a court dress and holding her veil Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine de France 1734 �1782 dite Madame Sophie fille de Louis XV en robe de cour tenant son voile София-Филиппина-Елизавета-Жюстина Ф� анцузская 1734 �1782 известная как � адам София дочь Людовика XV в п� идво� ном платье и де� жащей свою вуаль 1748 Oil on canvas cm 79 60 Institution Versailles Large study of the dauphin Grand cabinet du Dauphin Большой кабинет дофина 000PE011513 object history credit line commissioned by Louis XV in 1747; former Crown collection commandé par Louis XV en 1747 ; ancienne collection de la Couronne по заказу Людовика XV 1747 г ; бывшая коллекция ко� оны Ф� анции Nattier / Pinxit 1748 ~ lower center signature accession number MV4458 Transferred from http //nl wikipedia org nl wikipedia other versions <gallery> Sophie Philippine Elisabeth Justine jpg </gallery> PD-old-100 original upload log page nl wikipedia Jean_Marc_Nattier jpg 2006-01-05 20 50 Carolus 1559×1908× 2273371 bytes <nowiki>geen erchten meer</nowiki> DEFAULTSORT 1748; Bourbon Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine de Portrait paintings by Jean-Marc Nattier Sophie de France 1734-1782 Paintings by Jean-Marc Nattier in the Musée national des chateaux de Versailles et de Trianon Grand cabinet du Dauphin du Château de Versailles Jean-Marc_Nattier 1740s paintings by Jean-Marc Nattier 1748 oil on canvas paintings in France 1748 portrait paintings from France 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length Cornflowers in art Décolleté in art Embroidered dresses in art Female hair fashion in art Females wearing rouge in portraits Females with diamond jewellery in art Flowered clothing in art Garland of flowers in portrait paintings Females with golden dresses in art Lace sleeves in art Needle lace in art Portrait paintings of women of France Bourbon Sophie-Philippine-Élisabeth-Justine de Paintings with over-cropped borders Panniers clothing in portrait paintings Portrait paintings of females with roses Portrait paintings of females with flowers Powdered hair in art Rococo paintings in France Rococo portrait paintings of women Silk clothing in art Females with silver dresses in art Stomacher Veils in art |