Keywords: Jebens151 lgv volynskij polk.jpg Artwork en Ranks of the Volinsky Guard Regiment in Warsaw fr Soldats du Régiment de la Garde Volynski à Varsovie pl Szeregi Regimentu gwardii wołyńskiej w Warszawie Г� уппа чинов лейб-гва� дии Волынского полка в Ва� шаве oil canvas Saint Petersburg Institution Military Historical Museum of Artillery Engineers and Signal Corps en In the center on horseback major-general Vassily Fyodorovich Rall before the Belweder Palace fr Au centre à cheval le major-général Vassili Fiodorovitch Rall devant le Palais du Belvédère pl W środku na koniu generł-major Wasilij Fiodorowicz Rall przed Belwederem Введенский Г Э А� мейских будней летописец Художник А И Гебенс 1819-1888 СПб 2006 1864 Creator Adolf Jebens Copyright expired PD-Art Other versions PD-old-100 Military of the Russian Empire by Adolf Jebens Paintings in the Military-historical Museum of Artillery Engineer and Signal Corps Belweder January Uprising uniforms Warsaw in the 1860s Volhynian Guard Regiment |