MAKE A MEME View Large Image Johann Erdmann Hummel Portrait Luise Mila 01.jpg Artwork Creator Johann Erdmann Hummel Portrait of female otherdate c 1815 Oil on canvas cm 86 73 Institution Alte Nationalgalerie 3 12 A II 903 object history LangSwitch bis 1934 Privatbesitz ...
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Keywords: Johann Erdmann Hummel Portrait Luise Mila 01.jpg Artwork Creator Johann Erdmann Hummel Portrait of female otherdate c 1815 Oil on canvas cm 86 73 Institution Alte Nationalgalerie 3 12 A II 903 object history LangSwitch bis 1934 Privatbesitz Neubrandenburg 1937 Erwerb durch Nationalgalerie Berlin alte Inventar-Nr A II 903 ab 1941/1943 Berlin-Tiergarten Flakturm Zoologischer Garten Auslagerungsort ab 1945 verschollen 1995 in griechischem Privatbesitz seit 2001 Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin до 1934 частное соб� ание � ойб� анденбу� г 1937 П� иоб� етение Ста� ая национальная гале� ея в Бе� лине ста� ый инвента� ный номе� AII 903 с 1941/1943 в Бе� лине-Ти� га� тене зенитной башне зоопа� к Выездные исчезли с 1945 года 1995 г� еческих частной собственности С 2001 года Ста� ая национальная гале� ея to 1934 private collection Neubrandenburg 1937 Acquisition by Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin old inventory number A II 903 from 1941/1943 in Berlin-Tiergarten Zoological Garden Flak Tower offsite disappeared since 1945 1995 Greek privately owned since 2001 Alte Nationalgalerie <ref>http //www smb spk-berlin de/pdf/Zeitung/Zeitung2_03 pdf spk-berlin de</ref> reflist own 2012 other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1810; Luise Mila Johann Erdmann Hummel 19th-century portrait paintings in the Alte Nationalgalerie 1810s oil portraits of women at half length 1810s paintings in Germany 1810 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1810 portrait paintings from Germany 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Germany 19th-century oil portraits of sitting women at half length Gendarmenmarkt Portrait paintings of women wearing white caps Portraits with shawls Portraits with window at the background White clothing in art female 19th-century women looking at viewer in art
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