MAKE A MEME View Large Image Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein - Konradin von Schwaben und Friedrich von Baden vernehmen ihr Todesurteil (1785, Hermitage).jpg Artwork Creator Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein 1785 Oil on canvas size cm 66 91 5 Institution Hermitage Not ...
View Original:Johann_Heinrich_Wilhelm_Tischbein_-_Konradin_von_Schwaben_und_Friedrich_von_Baden_vernehmen_ihr_Todesurteil_(1785,_Hermitage).jpg (1920x1370)
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Keywords: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein - Konradin von Schwaben und Friedrich von Baden vernehmen ihr Todesurteil (1785, Hermitage).jpg Artwork Creator Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein 1785 Oil on canvas size cm 66 91 5 Institution Hermitage Not on display object history credit line langSwitch The work is a smaller replica of a painting in the Museum in Gotha Germany This replica produced by the author himself was commissioned for Catherine II by the writer and dramatist Denis Fonvizin Работа является уменьшенным повто� ением ка� тины находящейся в � узее в Готе Эта авто� ская � еплика была заказана для Екате� ины II писателем и д� амату� гом Д И Фонвизиным accession number ГЭ-7155 1 WGA link 22714 http //www wga hu/art/t/tischbei/johann2/conradin jpg http //www wga hu/html/t/tischbei/johann2/conradin html <br/>2 http //www arthermitage org/II-Johann-Heinrich-Tischbein/Conradin-of-Swabia-and-Friedrich-of-Baden-Awaiting-Sentence html arthermitage org<br/>3 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/38413/ lng de langSwitch Hermitage Museum Saint Peterburg Госуда� ственный Э� митаж Eremitage Sankt Petersburg PD-old-100 painting historical German 1751-1800 WGA form painting WGA type historical WGA School German WGA time period 1751-1800 DEFAULTSORT Tischbein Johann Heinrich Wilhelm; Conradin von Schwaben und Friedrich von Baden; Hermitage Museum Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein 18th-century paintings in the Hermitage German paintings in the Hermitage Conradin Frederick I of Baden 1780s oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1785 oil on canvas paintings 18th-century oil paintings of men at three-quarter length Chess players in art
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