Keywords: Kapella jenskoi gimnazii bernardazzi.jpg Stone Church of Saint Theodora from Sihla by architect Al Bernardazzi is built in 1895 in Downtown Chişinău Designed and built as a Cathedral of girls high school in Chişinău the church of Saint Teodora de la Sihla is an architectural masterpiece by Al Bernardazzi The building have the fingerprints of Byzantine style typical for the creation of architect A Bernardazzi It is of national importance in Moldova and the owner is Metropolis of Bessarabia Capela Gimnaziului de Fete construită în 1895 de către arhitectul Alexander Bernardazzi şi aflată pe strada Puşkin din Chişinău Капелла женской гимназии 1895 а� хитекто� - Бе� на� дацци Кишинёв � олдавия Own 2006 User Zserghei 100px Metropolis of Bessarabia St Teodora de la Sihla Church 2006 in Moldova |