Keywords: Karl Brullov 05.jpeg Painting ru По� т� ет члена Госуда� ственного совета кн А � Голицына 1840 Холст масло 194 5 × 142 см Ва� ианты названия По� т� ет члена Госуда� ственного совета князя А � Голицына Из коллекции Ф И П� янишникова Сов� еменное место х� анения Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква Россия en Portrait of the member of the State Council Prince Alexander Golitsyn From the collection of F I Pryanishnikov Current storage location State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Russia 1840 Oil on canvas cm 194 5 142 Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //iskusstvu ru/brjullov_karl/photo/4000 here / здесь other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1840; Alexander Golitsyn by Briullov Male portraits by Karl Briullov Alexander Nikolaevich Golitsyn 1840 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1840 portrait paintings Male 19th-century cabinet portraits 19th-century domestic interiors in painting 19th-century oil portraits of sitting men at full length 19th-century portrait paintings in interiors Armchairs in portrait paintings Desks in portrait paintings Portraits with paintings Stars of chivalric orders in portrait paintings |