Keywords: Khao Phat Kung.jpg Khao Phat Kung fried rice with shrimps in a container - main dish of the Thai cuisine in a polystyrene food container ข้าว� ัดกุ้ง Khao pat gung gebratener Reis mit Eiern und Krabben im Stypoporbehälter - Thailand own 2009-03-10 User Mattes original upload log wikitable date/time username resolution size edit summary ---- Containers with food Fried rice in Thailand Shrimp or prawn dishes of Thailand Expanded polystyrene food containers Take-out food in Thailand Taken with Nikon Coolpix L2 Work by Mattes 2009 Eating spoons User Mattes/Contributions/Topics/Nutrition User Mattes/Contributions/Topics/Thailand White objects |