Keywords: Khudoyarov - Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, 1870s-1880s.jpg Portrait of Crown Prince Alexander Alexandrovich 1845-1894 in future Alexander III Emperor of Russia По� т� ет цеса� евича Александ� а Александ� овича 1845-1894 в будущем - импе� ато� а Александ� а III Худоя� ов Василий Павлович Khudoyarov Vassily Pavlovich 1831-1892 turn of the decade 1880 oil canvas cm 88 2 75 Institution State Hermitage accession number ЭРЖ-646 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/128363/ lng ru Other versions <gallery> File AlexanderIII-Russland jpg cropped version </gallery> object history Source of entry State Museum of Ethnography of Peoples of the USSR Leningrad 1941 PD-old-100 Alexander III of Russia in portraits 01 Portraits of Russian rulers wearing military uniform 01 Vassily Pavlovich Khudoyarov 19th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage Romanovs |