MAKE A MEME View Large Image Klara Isabelle Pac (de Mailly). Клара Ізабэла Пац (дэ Майлі).jpg Artwork Creator Daniel Schultz the Younger be-tarask Па т эт Кла ы Ізабэлы Пац з дому дэ  айлі Portrait of Claire ...
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Keywords: Klara Isabelle Pac (de Mailly). Клара Ізабэла Пац (дэ Майлі).jpg Artwork Creator Daniel Schultz the Younger be-tarask Па� т� эт Кла� ы Ізабэлы Пац з дому дэ � айлі Portrait of Claire Isabelle Pac née Lascaris de Mailly-Lespine ca 1670 Oil on canvas cm 89 70 Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis National Art Museum Kaunas object history http //s2 forumimage ru/uploads/20100220/126669801540751778 jpg s2 forumimage ru Mt 1358 other versions <gallery>File Krzysztof Zygmunt Pac jpg File Klara Isabelle Pac de Mailly Кла� а Ізабэла Пац дэ � айлі jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1670c; Claire Isabelle Pac Portraits by Daniel Schultz the Younger Art of the M K Čiurlionis National Museum of Art Klara Izabela Pacowa 1670s oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1670s paintings from Poland 1670s portrait paintings 17th-century oil oval portraits of women at half length 17th-century oil portraits of standing women at half length Females with clothing with pearls in art Females with pearl earrings in art Females with pearl necklaces in art Pendant portrait paintings of wedded couples Portrait paintings in Lithuania Women looking at viewer
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