Keywords: Korean art-Donggwoldo-Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung-Dong-A University-01.jpg Donggwoldo literally Painting of Eastern Palace is a representative Korean painting depicting the two royal palaces Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung located in the east of the main palace Gyeongbokgung The painting of the Joseon Dynasty is drawn from a bird´s-eye-view and on silk Two transcriptions have been handed down; one with a width of 583 cm and a height of 274 cm is stored in Korea University Museum while the other with a width of 576 cm and a height of 273 is in Dong-A University Museum This file is Dong-A University's version This painting is on the movable wall which could also be folded It's made of paper silk and wood Donggwoldo is designated as the 249th National Treasure of South Korea 동궐도는 창덕궁과 창경궁� � 조감도 형� � �� 그린 조선후기� � � � 적� � 궁궐 그림� �다 비단 바탕에 채색� � 했고 국보 � 249호� � 정되어 있다 두� � � 사본� � 전해� 며 각각 고려� 학교� 동아� 학교 박물� 에 소장� 다 � � 그림� 동아� 학교 박물� 소장본� �� � � 576cm 세� 273cm� � 크기� �다 Palais du Changdeok à Séoul en Corée du Sud The creation date is presumed to be between 1826 and 1830 given that the building of Jeonsa installed in the 26th year of King Sunjo and Gyeongbokjeon demolished in the 30th year of the king � 작연� 는 � 조 純祖 23� 26년에 만든 전사 田舍 � � 조 30년 소실� 경복전� � 그려져 있는 것� �� 보아 1826년에� 1830년 사� �� 추정 http //museum donga ac kr/gallery/gallery_02 asp m_idx a_0004 Museum of Donga university Royal painters belonged to Dohwaseo governmental office in charge of paintings 조선� � 도화� � �畵署 화원들 expired PD-old ImageNote 1 50 801 27 30 1998 928 2 Donhwamun Donhwa Gate ko 돈화문 ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 524 566 80 92 1998 928 2 Injeongjeon Injeong Hall � �정전 ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 460 698 47 37 1998 928 2 Injeongmun Injeong Gate � �정문 ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 85 726 30 27 1998 928 2 Geumhomun Geumho Gate 금호문 ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 170 726 47 52 1998 928 2 Geumcheongyo Geumcheon Bridge 금� 교 ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 305 721 55 37 1998 928 2 Jinseonmun Jinseon Gate 진선문 ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 511 720 39 44 1998 928 2 Sukjangmun Sukjang Gate 숙장문 ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 691 576 47 37 1998 928 2 Seonjeongjeon Seonjeong Hall 선정전 ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 829 556 51 38 1998 928 2 Huijeongdang � �정당 ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 869 490 57 41 1998 928 2 Daejojeon � 조전 ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 1391 609 64 58 1998 928 2 Myeongjeongjeon 명정전 ImageNoteEnd 11 ImageNote 12 1545 626 44 47 1998 928 2 Myeongjeongmun 명정문 ImageNoteEnd 12 ImageNote 13 858 465 47 23 1998 928 2 Gyeonghungak 경훈각 ImageNoteEnd 13 ImageNote 14 1439 207 43 34 1998 928 2 Juhapnu 주합루 ImageNoteEnd 14 ImageNote 15 1270 451 114 45 1998 928 2 Tongmyeongjeon 통명전 ImageNoteEnd 15 ImageNote 16 1631 615 47 58 1998 928 2 Honghwamun 홍화문 ImageNoteEnd 16 ImageNote 17 1609 652 20 19 1998 928 2 Okcheongyo 옥� 교 ImageNoteEnd 17 ImageNote 18 563 758 55 34 1998 928 2 Bincheong 빈청 ImageNoteEnd 18 ImageNote 19 1386 274 21 25 1998 928 2 Buyongjeong � 용정 ImageNoteEnd 19 ImageNote 20 1493 253 31 29 1998 928 2 Yeonghwadang 영화당 ImageNoteEnd 20 ImageNote 21 1381 656 35 27 1998 928 2 Munjeongjeon 문정전 ImageNoteEnd 21 ImageNote 22 1035 702 91 65 1998 928 2 Nakseonjae 낙선재 ImageNoteEnd 22 Donggwoldo Dong-A University |